Welcome to Toronto Cigar Collective
Toronto Cigar Collective, was forged out of our passion and admiration for the Cigar culture, the close-knit community and the tremendous depth of knowledge and comradery. It is also during this exploration of the culture we noticed a lack or misconception of what this wonderful community is all about.
Often people have associated cigars with prestigious people or events, or a practice only enjoyed by the affluent or wealthy. Many are reluctant to enter this communal practice because of fear or the overwhelming amount of information out there surrounding cigar smoking.
We ourselves were in this position, and while we have evolved our understanding of the culture and community, we don’t pretend to be experts by any stretch of the imagination, however what we do strive to help you with is starting this cigar journey in a manner that allows you to enjoy it your own unique way. By providing you access to us we hope we can help answer any questions you may have as well as provide you with a wide variety of cigars at competitive prices.
When you become part of the Toronto Cigar Collective, you are more than just a number to us. We hope to cultivate a long-lasting relationship in which both you and us can continue to grow and learn the various nuances of this wonderful culture.
Welcome to the Herf Everyone!